How much do you know Talk Like a Pirate Day?
Well, I discovered about this fun event thanks to Veronica Bow, co-editor at Holly Day. This gave me ideas for building pages on how to celebrate a pirate birthday party on Talk Like a Pirate Day.
Here you're going to find tips and ideas to make the most of your kids pirate themed birthday party. Next, I'll build a page with a few pirate themed cupcake recipes and the best cupcake pirate designs out there so that you can get some inspiration on how to create your own birthday cupcakes for the pirate party.
I also plan a pirate party for adults and I think that you're also going to discover a surprise on Holly Day as my co-editor, Veronica Bow just made a decision on owning a brand new category of fun things to do for parties: face paint!
So, take an eye on the blog or the RSS feed of the site as you're going to get many more ideas to make the most of Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Just click here to head to Pirate Birthday Party Ideas for Kids.
Cheers :)
Click here to get more ideas on how to make of any day a holly day